Humanitarian Works

Aside from her musical career, Anggun has been involved in numerous environmental and humanitarian works. She has been appointed as the global ambassador of the United Nations twice, first for the International Year of Microcredit in 2005, and then for the Food and Agriculture Organization in 2009. She also became the ambassador of charity organization La Voix De l’Enfant (The Voice of the Children) in 2015 and Aviation Sans Frontieres (Aviation Without Borders), to provide help to those who live in remote places.

Here are some highlights of Anggun’s charity works.

  1. In 1997, Anggun joined Sidaction, a French organization to help fighting against AIDS,
  2. In 2000, Anggun was involved in Global 200 by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature,
  3. In 2000, Anggun joined Solidays, Solidarité Sida, raising money to help people with HIV/AIDS in Africa and also to prevent the disease,
  4. In 2001, Anggun joined Les Voix De L’Espoir, The Voices Of Hope, to raise money to build hospitals in Africa,
  5. In 2003, Anggun was involved in Gaia Project, an environmental benefit project, to raise awareness about the preservation of the environment,
  6. In 2005, Anggun was a part of a humanitarian project to promote tolerance in Hammamet, Tunisia,
  7. In 2005, Anggun promoted micro-credit program to help empowering women In Indonesia, and many countries worldwide. This campaign was organized by United Nations. You can watch the video here
  8. In 2005, Anggun was one of many French singers to raise money to help Tsunami victims in Asia. She herself also visited Aceh couple days after the tragedy. You can watch the video here
  9. In 2005, Anggun joined Music for Asia Charity Concert in Milan, Italy to raise money to help victims of Tsunami in Asia,
  10. In 2006, 2008, and 2011 Anggun was a part of Concert Pour La Tolerance in Agadir, Morocco to promote a message of respect for others and differences, for peace, tolerance, fraternity, dialogue between cultures and for the fight against all forms of discrimination,
  11. In 2006, Anggun was a part of a humanitarian project, Contre La Sida, organized by Princess Stephanie of Monaco, to raise money to help fighting against AIDS,
  12. In 2007, Anggun was a part of documentary film, Un Jour Sur Terre (Earth). After the release of the movie, Disney announced the planting of around 2,7 million trees in endangered areas including the Amazonian forest.
  13. In 2008, Anggun joined Make A Wish Belgium foundation to help children with life-threatening medical conditions.
  14. In 2009, Anggun went to Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia to promote the importance of Mangrove Forest. Her work was filmed by Gulli TV and aired in Europe, Mon Arbre Pour La Vie Voyage Au Pays de Anggun (My Tree For Life Travel To The Country Of Anggun). You can watch the documentary here
  15. In 2009, Anggun joined AIDES to raise money to help fighting AIDS,
  16. In 2010, Anggun, as the United Nations ambassador of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) promoted a petition to put pressure on politicians to end hunger. end chronic hunger, 1 BillionHungry
  17. In 2009, Anggun was a part of United Nations campaign in Copenhagen, Denmark helping to spread an awareness message worldwide and to raise the importance of the for leaders of the world to agree and work together on this key issue that is climate change.
  18. In 2010, Anggun joined former President Of United States, Bill Clinton at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative to kick off a Healthy Hair for Healthy Water campaign. This event was to help the  CSDW (Children’s Safe Drinking Water) achieve its dream to -save a life every hour- in the developing countries around the world by providing two billion liters of clean water every year by 2020. Watch the video here!
  19. In 2011, Anggun joined Téléthon, supporting medical & social welfare of children + funding research into children’s diseases,
  20. In 2011, Anggun joined UNICEF campaign to help children in Africa,
  21. In 2012, Anggun joined United Nation campaign, Earth Day : Save The Forest, in Italy
  22. In 2014, Anggun promoted a pressure to put an end against discrimination, child labor, forcing young girls into marriage,and prostitution at World Without Walls congress in Berlin, Germany. You can watch her speech here!
  23. In 2015, Anggun, David Foster, Melanie C, and Vaness Wu released a single Let’s Groove! and the profit was used to help the victims of earthquake in Nepal,
  24. In 2015, Anggun was appointed to be the ambassador of La Voix De L’Enfant (The Voice Of The Children) to help children in distress and to protect them.
  25. In 2015, Anggun was appointed to be the ambassador of Aviation Sans Frontières (Aviation Without Borders)
  26. In 2016, Anggun went Madagascar to help children with chronic disease to get medical treatment. You can watch the video here
  27. In 2016, Anggun joined Télévie to raise funds to support scientific research in the fight against cancer and leukemia in children and adults. They raised over 10 million euro. You can watch the video here

We do hope that Anggun’s numerous environmental and humanitarian works will inspire you to help the world a better place.

Anggun giving speech about her involvement working with FAO
Anggun helping kid with chronic disease to get medical treatments
Anggun helping kid with chronic disease to get medical treatments
Anggun helping kid with chronic disease to get medical treatments
Anggun interviewed by CNN about her part campaigning about fighting hunger
Anggun joined former President Of United States, Bill Clinton at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative to kick off a Healthy Hair for Healthy Water campaign
Anggun, Susan Sarandon, and Lea Salonga campaigning against hunger
FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf presenting medal to Anggun
A French article about Anggun planted mangrove in Sumatera
An article about Anggun visiting the victims of Tsunami in Aceh
An article about Anggun visiting the victims of Tsunami in Aceh
An article about Anggun visiting the victims of Tsunami in Aceh